Route9 Library Case Study

















The Route 9 Library Innovation Center is part of community redevelopment efforts in New Castle County, Delaware. Jerry and his team were brought on to the project for their knowledge and expertise in air barrier membrane installation. The state-of-the-art, 21-million-dollar project has received substantial state funding and features a high-tech backdrop. The 12-acre library will house an innovation campus that will serve the community in many ways. The library measures in at 40,000 square feet and consists of an L-shaped building with traditional library components like reading rooms, as well an area for children’s activities.

The Route 9 Library Project was Jerry’s first time using DELTA®-VENT SA and overall he had a positive experience with it. Dörken was helpful and the materials they needed for the job arrived quickly. “For me as a contractor, the support is critical,” Jerry says. “When we did the Route 9 Library project, Dörken and everyone in their chain was very helpful. Questions come up instantly and installers need answers as fast as we can get them – because you can’t slow the project down. That’s what really drove me to want to go back to DELTA®.”

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